Diabetic Cyborg Life 06/26: Had a Sub Stack Account for a Second

Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
2 min readJun 26, 2022


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

It was odd and felt like a weird holdover from web 1.0 to me. I guess I am a hardcore Medium only blogger now. I had a Tumblr way back when for classes mostly, a SquareSpace blog for a minute, and tried others besides Sub Stack.

I just like the way Medium does things. Yes, I question some of the new changes and wish it was like it was a revision or two ago, but it is my choice in blogging platforms for the time being. The daily newsletter is how I met most of the people I know here.

I signed up, checked my interests, and just shared every blog they featured in my daily newsletter. That is how I built my and maintain my following and readers. Anyone that asks how to get followers, I suggest they follow my model, and the followers will come.

I try to be as regular and consistent with sharing and tweeting all blogs in my daily newsletter every day.

The only days I might miss is when I travel or don’t have an internet connection to share the daily newsletter.

Those days are just usually darn near impossible to post the 20+ blogs the daily newsletters include.



Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg

Muslim, SPMS Patient, Swifty, Chronic Lyme Survivor, Optimist, Hist/Poli. Sci. Prof. teaching here by blog/vlog 💍 on 10/6/21, 1/17/22. Writing Here Since 2016