Diabetic Cyborg Life 11/11: Notes from MPP Bloggs


Just a few observations after going to the Medium Partners Program, MPP, for almost a month. September 17, 2020, I went all MPP for my personal blogs to get some kind of money so I could at least cover my MPP membership fee. I’ve not even made enough to cover the $5 fee yet, as it turns out.

The stats and data show my worries of losing any readers that were not part of the MPP seems null and no dip in readership is seen. People talk of the want to be curated and the rush of readers that entails, but I frankly never even think of that want. My post from 2017 was curated, I am guessing, as it got way more readers than I still ever get.

My findings are, as I read, that most people that don’t game the system to maximize that money find true. Most writers are lucky to get the minimum amount to even cover the $5 fee for membership. Why keep doing the MPP program, you may ask? Cause, why not is my simple reply?

Maybe I can pay for a membership fee one month … eventually.



Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg

Muslim, SPMS Patient, Swifty, Chronic Lyme Survivor, Optimist, Hist/Poli. Sci. Prof. teaching here by blog/vlog 💍 on 10/6/21, 1/17/22. Writing Here Since 2016