Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
1 min readAug 31, 2018


Thank you for reading and responding Ameaka!!

It means everything to me that it brought tears to your eyes. I am so happy to read that anyone has that type of emotional reaction to my blog and my words.

I just write what gets me through my days and that might help others is a similar situation. I am an open wound sometime and just write what I feel and are thinking. I have written things that I have never and would never say to someone I know, much less a stranger, in person.



Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg

Muslim, SPMS Patient, Swifty, Chronic Lyme Survivor, Optimist, Hist/Poli. Sci. Prof. teaching here by blog/vlog 💍 on 10/6/21, 1/17/22. Writing Here Since 2016