Photo by me of me

The Confirmation of my Brokenness

Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
1 min readFeb 1, 2019


The workplace advisor told the judge passed the news,

I am just to broken to work anymore,

My ambitions to be a doctor in history were my muse,

Now with MS I cannot even work in book store,

Too much stress would cause me to need more solu medrol on the transfuse,

I just know my mental degeneration will cause me to roar,

What’s making me look like I’m drunk on the booze,

It is just the MS attacking my brain in a continuous war,

Of my brain’s attack on the myelin sheaths without any rescue,

I will persevere and shall and emerge for my encore,

I just will have to fight having the blues.



Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg

Muslim, SPMS Patient, Swifty, Chronic Lyme Survivor, Optimist, Hist/Poli. Sci. Prof. teaching here by blog/vlog 💍 on 10/6/21, 1/17/22. Writing Here Since 2016